Saturday, 20 August 2016
5 Little Things You Should Thank Your Boyfriend For
When two people express their feelings for each other and agree that they should be together, they form a relationship. Believe it or not, this is actually the easiest part. Mustering up the courage to confess, risking the fear of
rejection and the fear of awkward conversations from there on; is all nothing in comparison to what’s going to happen next i.e. making your relationship grow.
The truth is, sometimes our partners do so much for us which we disregard as nothing too fancy and don’t appreciate them enough for. I’m sure that you’ve been in a situation with your boyfriend before where you feel like even though he’s being silly, you should do it since it makes him happy. I’m not talking monstrous requests here, just simple things which, although time-consuming and pointless, make him feel good about it.
This list highlights some of the most common things that women do and their boyfriends put up with, that too with a smile. Things which mean something to you, yet you don’t thank them enough for doing since it won’t do you two any bad if you chose to skip it. So, without further ado, things you should thank your boyfriend for:
1.They are willing to go through thick and thin
Let me be completely honest, everyone does things which might possibly be unnecessary to our partners. But, since they aren’t unnecessary to us, we don’t think twice about it. If you’re in a happy relationship than odds are that your partner never made it feel like anyone of your requests, habits or talks was useless, pointless or unnecessary.Appreciate your man and do more for him too.
Keep your relationship strong and going by letting them feel like you’re happy and by showing them that you’re putting in an effort to make them happy too. No one enters a relationship only to have their hearts broken later on, they enter one because they’re feelings were strong for each other and that’s what counts.
Never lose sight of what really matters: each other. Once you stop caring, nothing can ever fix what you two had. You’ll find yourself reminiscing about the good old happy days and feeling sorry for ever messing it up. Just as much as he’s obligated to, so are you to make the relationship be a happy one. Everyone has up’s and down’s, a happy couple is one which restricts those downs till non-existence.
2. Watching cliché romantic comedies:
Let me guess the last romantic comedy movie you saw. Was it the one where the girl is really conflicted between a jerk and a good guy? Ultimately, ends up with the good guy? Oh yeah, I’ve seen that one too. Every once in a while, we want to see something really cliché. They don’t want to see it yet they agree to see it just because we say so a few billion times.
Obviously, the movie is cliché otherwise it wouldn’t be in the genre. As you’re leaving the theatre he actually sparks up a conversation with you about the movie . Watching a movie with you fulfilled all of his boyfriend demands. Talking about it and agreeing to watch another one with you wasn’t in his to-do list .
He actually stayed awake throughout the movie and didn’t whine about it. He might be faking his interest, but he’s putting in a lot of effort anyway. Even if you plan to watch a movie at home, he’ll clear out his schedule for two hours. That’s all it takes, two hours of time. He knows that it’ll make you happy so he agrees to it. He agrees to do it even though it’s an awful movie . True love.
3.For accepting that you can never be on time:
A lot of men can be late too; however, women are more likely to skip deadlines over something silly. You two had to go out somewhere at 6:00 pm and it is now currently 6:15 pm yet you’re nowhere to be seen. He will tell you to hurry it up because it isn’t your most adorable quality. Yet, you’ll never see him actually angry about it.
Sure it’s annoying, but he accepted that. You might not even realise this, but sometimes they give us the time of an hour or so earlier than the actual time. They will point this out to you, but they won’t have a fight with you about it. Even them pointing it out is in a calm-ish manner.
We leave things to the absolute last-minute and then won’t even hurry anything along because we don’t want to. They have to literally drag us or convince us to do stuff on time.
4. Telling us we look beautiful even though we do not:
I will be completely savage throughout this post. It’s the things your BOYFRIEND does, not the things your content writer says. Let me tell you right now that it isn’t cute at all how you walk around like a slob and are okay with it.
I admit that we can’t be expected to cake our faces every day, but we do stop putting in an effort after sometime in the relationship, particularly when we live with them. While reading this, maybe you’re just thinking that it’s never happened to you. Let’s take a test, shall we?
Are you and your boyfriend in a good place right now? Proceed further if you answered yes.
Did your boyfriend call you pretty or any of its synonyms today? Things which implied towards it also count. Proceed further if you answered yes.
How long has it been since you showered/ properly combed your hair/ wore clothes that weren’t slacks?
Fun game. The point is that your boyfriend makes an effort to make you feel like you’re really pretty even on days when you aren’t. Replying with a simple aw does not justify how adorable the situation is. Look at it this way; he didn’t just say it because you were pressuring him to say it or you were in a bad mood that day. He said it because he genuinely loves you and thinks that you’re beautiful no matter what.
Ladies, I urge you to appreciate your boyfriends when they do such a gesture. I can’t force you to go all out on looking good every day, particularly since I’m too lazy to do it myself, but at the very least you can put in some effort to look moderately okay.
Take some days where you look exceptionally well and some days when you don’t. If your boyfriend isn’t obligated to do stuff but he does anyway, then you should do a little for him too.
5.When you constantly nag him about things you shouldn’t:
Sometimes we see things that aren’t really there. I wish I were talking about ghosts, but sadly I am talking about misinterpretation on our part. No one, and I literally mean no one, is completely secure about themselves in someone else’s life.
I say secure instead of no one trusts their
partner because I actually know of a lot of people who completely trust their partners. With that being said, we don’t usually trust ourselves to be the absolute best that they can find.
We see so many people around them and while we’re sure that he won’t give them a second glance, they might. It’s sorta frustrating like how can no one see me holding his hand, he’s mine go away. All jokes aside, we get insecure and start to think that maybe they will and should leave us. We constantly need his reassurance and that might get annoying after the first few 100 times.
They’re with you for a reason; they love you. To be honest, if they do leave you for someone ‘better’, then you’re better off without them. That’s a whole other article, this one here focuses on things they do that you should appreciate them for. So, appreciate them for the fact that they have to remind you of how much they love you.
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