Friday, 19 August 2016



    I told us to pick up our pens and write , to pick up our phones and tweet, to raise our voices so we can be heard, but unfortunately we haven't done enough of that. I am still here with my pen doing what I can do best at this time
    I wrote "AN OPEN LETTER TO FUNAABITES" an article that went viral some hours ago, but sadly some unscrupulous elements decided to rip of my name off the article and made it their. My solace is in the fact that the article got the audience I expected regardless of who wrote it, which isn't what matters at this time because "WE ARE UNDER ATTACK"
    The intimidation I spoke of in the earlier Article is now in play. They (the school and the police) have succeeded in telling gruesome LIES against us. What the dailies reported today were purported by them (the school and the police). THE SUN newspaper had this headline "STUDENTS GO WILD IN OGUN" they further claimed that we burnt down churches.
     We also must have heard that the 34 students arrested by the Police yesterday have been arraigned this morning before  a Federal High Court sitting in Ishabo area of Abeokuta on various criminal charges and their bail requirements was set as follows "Two sureties in person and receipt of a property worth over 100 thousand naira" let us not forget that they are just victims of our unanimous actions, should we now leave them to SUFFER THIS INJUSTICE.
    These actions against our rights as students are strategic and well planned because, I know not of any law against students protesting. They are doing all these to instill FEAR in us and make us afraid of ever trying to Protest again. But let us all know that we won't be the first in this situations. We have heard of stories from other Federal Schools, UNILAG rejected a Presidential decision to change the school's name and got away with it. These schools were able to tell stories because they stood together in ONE VOICE.
    Some SUG executives have fled the school following news that the Police is on their trail. We need to reach our to them to get these 34 students a lawyers to represent them in court, granting them bail is just securing their temporary release, it doesn't take their names off the books. They should also help them get restraining orders from the court to stop the school from rusticating them afterwards. Should they bear the BRUNT OF THIS INJUSTICE ALONE? The policeman that shot taiwo hasn't been brought to book yet and the can still charge us to court, When the culprit is one of them.
#prayfortaiwo #freefunaabites #fuckthepopo #SaveFunaab

   Natiwisky (CEO Trend Inn) for Trend Inn
                                IG: @.natiwisky
                                IG: @trend.inn
                                TWITTER: @trendinn2
                                BBM CHANNEL: C0026E8E2    
*please do not take the writers name off this article, if posted online remember to tag these handles THANK YOU*

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